2017 DS5, Radio stopped working

Hello, i really could do with some advice. I have a DS5 1.6 diesel, 2017 model. So, a few weeks ago the radio in the car would go quiet, then the infotainment system would go off, then reboot and the radio would stay on, this was intermittent. Now the radio does not work at all, the infotainment system goes off, comes on, goes off etc, after about 20 mins a blue screen comes up and thats it, it says something like "you have limited accessability, and something about downloading. It stays like that even when i turn the car off and lock it, then when i get back in and set off, i have the same process. I have downloaded the update as per the app instructions, but as soon as i put the USB into the car it says its incompatible with the hardware? Im at odds of what to do really. Can anybody shed anylight on this for me i would really appreciate the help.

Welcome to the community, Neil!
It’s difficult to say, but I’d try to take this one thing at a time, starting with the update problem. Depending on model and year, it could be that the update is blocked because of connection issues. Did you run the car continuously for at least 15 min in the last 7 days?
I’m not even sure about the system in a DS5 from 2017, but if it’s anything like the system in a few years newer DS7, the car shuts down some features if you don’t run the car enough for a week.

Hello, thank you for the reply and welcome.
I have tried numerous USB devices that i have formatted and downloaded as per the instructions, but as soon as i put them in the usb on the car i get the same message. I commute 45 mins morning and evening 5 days a week, so i dont think its from lack of use. Its very frustrating as i have had the car for 3 years ive put 60k miles on it without anything more than regular services and interim oil service, brakes and tyres, so a little perplexed by this issue.

Ok, so it’s not that then.
The next thing it could be is if there’s been long since the last update was made.
If you don’t make an update within a certain time from where an update becomes available, the system only allows the service garage to make the update.
Has it been long since you made any updates yourself?