Connected Navigation Pack

Has anyone else had problems with DS customer care and Accessories department. I had a new Infotainment installed recently under extended warranty. The TomTom I subscribed to for the Connected Navigation Pack was not installed at the fitting time. I have been trying through DS Customer Care(ha!ha!) to get it installed as my subscription doesn’t expire until 6/4/2025
The agents who answer the phone call haven’t a clue and just want screenshots of the Sat Nav and my iPhone model and data etc. Even with a Case Number the latest is they contacted the garage who fitted the new Infortainment Unit to confirm the SatNav was not operational even after I told Customer Care that there was nothing wrong with the SatNav it just hasn’t the Connected Navigation Pack I have paid for to be installed. Why do they have these agents answer the phones who are not able to understand the the correct problems we explain to them over the telephone conversations.

I’ve given up with them! With my many problems they are unable to do anything; they refer to the Technical Team, but you can’t reach them, & seemingly neither can they. Not able to email them, they actually closed my Customer Complaints despite the problems still not being resolved.

Hi IslandDS

Good to know I’m not alone. I’m still having the same experience as yourself.

I’m on my 3rd Customer Care operative now and know further forward. I also sent a letter to head office 2 weeks ago but also no acknowledgement from them by phone or post.

I wonder if there is a competition for the worst Customer Care Complaints in the country for the motor industry. If anyone knows let me know and I will enter DS.

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Do you have the MyDS app installed on your phone? I’m sure the connected pack is somehow linked to that. I don’t think it’s something the dealer actually has to install.

Hi Patrick

Thanks for your message. Yes I do have the DS app and the dealership cannot do anything for the TomTom Connected Navigation Pack.

When you purchase the above from DS Store they take care of transferring it to your own DS app. You then go to the navigation in the car and you first have to have the Traffic Logo on the screen with the picture of Arc deTriumph to proceed the download procedure. Also it will not allow me to change private to sharing data. All this information has been passed on to Customer Care.

I still am only getting from Customer Care again this week messages saying it’s been passed on to our technical team.

