Is there a way to display the overall average mpg of the car on the drivers instrument cluster (or even the central screen of the infotainment system)? I’ve tried searching through the personalisation options and it doesn’t seem so but thought it worth asking jut in case it’s possible
PUlsando el boton de la palanca de los limpiaparabrisas te sale el consumo instantaneo y si sigues pulsandolo otras dos pantallas de consumos parciales, por lo menos en el ds7
If it`s the new model DS4 you can customize the instrument cluster to show average consumption. Or, a quick press on the right stalk button will show you average for a efw seconds. If you have HUD it will be seen there also
Thanks for this Fredrik - I have tried to add the mpg to the instrument cluster but haven’t been able to do so as it doesn’t seem to be one of the customisation options?
Ok, I can have a look tomorrow if nobody else knows how to from memory
Ok, I can have a look tomorrow if nobody else knows how to from memory
Thanks again Fredrik, I’d appreciate that
Had a look at it this morning, button on the tip of right stalk should show MPG and some other stuff in the HUD, each press of the button cycles through trip1, trip2 and enviromental friendly driving something (etense)
To add it to the instrument cluster go to, “settings” from apps, then “adaption”, after that choose “display”. Now you should be presented with either one or more display configurations. If you “long press” on an existing function you can pull it to the “X” to remove it. To add a new function, simply press “+”, you will be presented with a table of functions to choose from. The one you`re looking for is the symbol in the first of my pictures below, lower left symbol.
Looks like this in the instrument cluster
And in the HUD (bad picture)
Brilliant, thank you for taking the time to look at and solve this for me Fredrik