Driver seat welcome feature settings (seat retraction)

I can memorize the seat position of the driver’s seat. However, is there a possibility to do the same for when the seat retracts? I have a child seat mounted behind me and it’s rather large. When the driver’s seat retracts it presses on to the child seat which is something I want to avoid. I had the ability in my Renault Talisman to remember the position of the seat both when retracted and pulled closer to the wheel, but that doesn’t seem to be the case with DS7. Or maybe I don’t know how to do it.

The alternative is to make sure and stop the retraction when the seat starts to pull back or move the child seat behind the passenger’s seat, but I would prefer not to do either of these things.

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There should be an option inside confort settings to disable the retraction and just keep the seat where memorised. There is no way to set the backward stop that I know of.

‘Driver welcome’ is what you should disable.

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Yeah, I’ve seen the settings. So, there’s only the option of turning it off. Ok, just wanted to make sure.

Thank you for all the help.

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