Ds iris system - voice commands not recognised

Hellow to all DS members from Greece!
I have the 09/2022 DS4 Puretech 180 Rivoli model and the last 6 months the DS Iris assistant only activated by the respective button on the steering wheel and the screen and not through voice commands as prevously did. The local dealership does not have any idea how to fix that.
Any suggestions /ideas by you, would be much appreciated in order to understand the root cause of this bug (hardware/software)!
Thank you

OK IRIS doesn’t respond? Maybe ChatGPT subscription can fix it

They have already installed Chat GPT without any subscription needed on January 24. After that i noticed that OK Iris only activated after pressing the button on the steering wheel or through the screen only and not by the voice itself!

Mayby its some problem with voice recognition ? I had some issiue like that with my Google assistant- it started working after I’ve “teached” him my voice. However i have no idea if its possible woth Iris too. Not too helpfull, I know :sweat_smile:

I have another problem with Iris- in my car (DS4 e-tense 2023 Opera) it doesnt work at all! I mean despite it responds to my voice (“ok iris”) and button, there is always this pop-up that says “iris system is not working now, try again later”. It’ frustraiting, cose its brand new car