Hello, great post, thank you.
Do you know any solution about the noise coming from front door in my uploaded video?
From which part is it coming do you think? how can i solve it, do you have any idea?
When I pull soft part it stops.
But i’m not sure if it is related with soft part or main door behind the soft part
I Think i can’t remove whole door as in your screenshots
Noise is very strange it sounds like something is vibrating but there is not much to vibrate.
Take the soft part out and check then, there is instruction in forum how to do this.
You have to unscrew two screws near the B pillar and pull the panel - only the soft part with leather.
Then it will be easier to check if it’s coming actually from the door.
Check locking mechanism especially the one on the body maybe it’s loose.
Try to knock the door trim a bit in different places, maybe You will hear something.
One other thing, inside the door panel when You take off the soft part there are 3 bigger screws that hold the whole door trim, maybe one of them is loose and that may actually give You that noise.
Two screws are located near the place when You recorded the wideo.
I think i solved it. I firstly realised that noise disappears after i unscrew the screws of soft part. Then, there is a detachable white screw hole. I removed it, wrapped it with cotton tape and put it back and screw again. Now there is no noise. I hope it will not come back