Hi. I have a leak from my sunroof and have concluded that it’s a drain pipe seal (water still gets through ok but also into cabin). I need to peel back the roofliner but I can’t figure out how to remove the grabhandle/sunglasses holder. The fixings aren’t a normal screw on type and even getting the plastic caps off are defeating me. Do I need a special tool or am I missing something obvious?
DS7 Crossback 1018
Have tried to see if the drain pipes are not blocked.
Drain pipes usually drain from either the front or rear wheel arches.
Once located use something to thread up into pipe, you’ll be amazed to see all the crp that comes out !
From experience they are an absolute pain in the are on most Mazdas with glass roofs.
Also had issues with previous Vauxhalls.
Might be wrong but I think the grab handle and the backing is one piece and is clipped into place, forcing outwards usually breaks the tabs that hold it all in place ?
can you see any fixing screws behind the caps ?
Definitely not blocked pipes. I’m sure the water is leaking where the pipe joins to the gutter. Anyway, after searching online I eventually found what I needed. There’s a video on replacing the sunglasses holder for a new one on Amazon which shows how to “simply” pull the holding clips off.