My DS 4 E-Tense (Rivoli) is from June 2022 and I bought the car from the DS garage couple of weeks ago.
I noticed that whichever way I drive, long or short distances, fast or calm, a fully charged battery is saying on the display that I can drive 28km with battery at 100%
Now I have a DS 4 E-Tense loaner for a few days and here a 100% charged battery is gving me a mileage of 38km, so approx a 35% increase.
What do you guys think could be the issue here?
I don’t have a DS4, but a DS7 E-tense. I think they work pretty much the same.
When I picked mine up in november at a dealership, it said 30km estimated battery distance.
For the next couple of recharges that number dropped, with the bottom at 18km in january.
(yesterday it said 26 km, hopefully on its way up again come warmer weather)
The car is basing its estimation from how the car has been driven lately and when I asked the shop about this, their theory was that when the car is standing still for months at a dealership, by time it forgets and reverts back to the default value (or something like that).
Maybe your loaner hasn’t been used lately? Or just driven a while under better conditions?
Or maybe the loaner is more or less brand new and this has some impact on the battery performance. Though, I think the battery deterioration should take a little more time than that. Or so I hope.
Same on the loaner I have, it has done 23000km and has topped out at a range of 28km
I believe that the DS4 is just being honest with us! My colleagues Cupra Formentor (245) claims roughly 40km with the same weather conditions.
But - the Formentor will never reach 40km, range drops really fast and he ends up (IRL) with the same range as the DS4.
The estimated mileage depends on the consumption history. My 100% estimated mileage was down to 20km in the winter months and it was increased to 38km when we got around +10C. The stupid winter came back with 15cm snow and the mileage estimate is back to 24km because of the increased need for heating and increased rolling friction for unploughed roads.
I bought a 2020 DS7 E-tence 4x4, with 42.000 km, last August. At first I could travel only 40 kilometers with battery, in the city. Now with a full charge of 100% I can travel 56 kilometers !!! The way you drive it matters, especially in the city.
You can actually reach those numbers??
Suddenly I feel optimistic about the summer.
Let’s see if you’re a driving wizard or of it’s all about the warmer weather…
Yes its true !!!
Τo be honest I was surprised too…
But last week we have 30oC degrees in Greece.
Little summer …
So, we will see in the future …
I guess you don’t use any heating?
No radio?
Do you drive with your DRL off? (Daylight running lights)
I presume there’s no highway-like speeds included in the history leading up to those numbers?
Now with the new car, driven roughly 400km since Friday. Fully charged it shows 54km range.
When it was delivered straight from the showroom it read 58km.
Based on my driving it seems quite accurate, no problem going 45km electric and have some percentage left.
Temperature around 0-5 Celsius.
What worries me is a potential quick degrading of the battery pack, maybe the loaner has been abused in its early days but it shouldn’t loose 50% over 2 years and 25000km…
I haven’t managed to get it higher than 36km at any point, and the last times it reached only 32-34km.
Perhaps it’s due to my trips often contain motorways, in which the consumption is automatically a little higher.
Now during the winter, estimated battery range has dropped to 22km.
But still - it will actually achieve those 22km
A lot of energy is used to heat the cabin.
Hi, its a little bit warmer now +3c.
Car shows available rang 26km on battery.
Decided to try and see how far I could manage, my usual route, same place and everything.
Still has some juice left when I arrived at my home 40km later, total range was 47km from full to empty.
For a +3c day, 22,5c in cabin, stereo and everything in use its a respectable distance
Photo when I arrived at my home before I drove it to empty.