MyDS App Not Connecting & Scan MyDS App Not Working

Hi - I’ve only just purchased a DS4 Cross (year of manufacture 2022) and tried to link it using its VIN to the MyDS App. However, despite it linking and now showing my car in the app and it’s projected range in miles, when I try to add services such as the remote control feature all I seem to achieve is to generate a message at the top of the app screen on my phone which states ‘subscription in progress’ and nothing at all happens - this is the case when sitting in the car with the car running as I realise it won’t subscribe to the services otherwise (I think/assume!).

Additionally, I have downloaded the Scan MyDS App to my phone but it is just a blank screen with ‘Add a Vehicle’ noted at the top with absolutely no way of doing so - no touch point or links on the phone screen to begin doing so.

Any ideas/thoughts/suggestions/solutions on either (or ideally both!) problems would be great :+1:t2:

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Welcome to the community, @IMcG !
Oh, boy… don’t get me started on the app. :sweat_smile:
It’s probably the worst app in the history of mankind. Especially the infrastructure around it (communications to/from the app and servers and car).
I suggest you contact customer support through the app (if it works :innocent: ) and let them handle it.

When it comes to the Scan app, I haven’t had any such problems with it. You don’t have the 3 lines up left to bring out the menu, where you can add a vehicle?

Thanks for your reply DS Jay, not quite what I wanted to hear re the app!!

With regard to the Scan MyDS app I do indeed have the three lines which provide the menu and when I click on the ‘add a vehicle’ option I get the attached blank screen. I have deleted and re downloaded the app with no difference being made to the problem - and it is the same issue if I download it on an entirely seperate iPad :disappointed:


Strange indeed.
Another example of the bad communications from Stellantis servers then, I can only guess.
You’re supposed to get vehicle models to pick from, and that do happens in mine.
Other than deleting it again and making sure you’re also deleting all data and reinstall it yet again, I’m not sure what to tell you.
Enclosing photo of what it looks like in mine, and I use iPhone too (obviously it’s too much for the app to actually load the pictures of the models, but at least I can pick one):

But I do love my car. :grin:

Thanks again DS Jay, I simply don’t get that but I’ll keep trying I guess!!

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What country? In some countries app has limited features. For example I live in Croatia and I switched to UK for all features.

Hi Alizee - I’m in the UK!

I did not know that.
Do you have an example of a feature that weren’t available in Croatia?
I live in Sweden myself and am not aware if we have any such limitations.

I couldn’t activate e-tense remote control and remote control services. Only thing a had was tracking journeys. After I switched I can lock/unlock vehicle, use horn and turn lights. I also get charging options and preconditioning. which I didn’t had on Croatian version.
I think Sweden has those options. Croatia is in EU, but sometimes it seems like we are not :pensive:

Ok, I don’t think my 2020 has remote lock/unlock either way.
But kind of ridiculous that certain countries have limitations like that.