I’m a regular user of the ability to play music files from an USB-C stick. It’s a nicely structured stick with everything sorted into folders. Every now and I would like to have the ability to shuffle between a specific group of folders. Now I have to start playing one folder, and add each extra folder to the current playlist. A tedious job honestly.
There seems to be a Playlists section available on the library page. But how am I supposed to use that? I haven’t found any button to create a new playlist, not within the Playlist section, not in the submenu (the dots at the end of the row), not on the ‘now playing’ screen.
TL;DR: Does anyone know how to use/create playlists on the infotainment system (IVI)?
No way to create playlists on Iris. You play either by file attributes (artist/album) or by folder. So the solution (I’m sure you know it) is to create on your USB a specific folder with your playlist and simulate play sequence by adding to each track title an ascending number, because each folder sorts/plays tracks alphabetically. Only album mode can sort play sequence by the album internal track number tag.
Not True IVI has playlist functionality, its described in user manual. If I remember correctly in pls file extenson.
I have used it for some time and it works properly however downside is that in displays file names in track list instead of embedded TAGs in files.
I’ve not attempted to play any music from a usb stick yet as the car has been in and out of the dealership since taking ownership a few weeks ago.
My last car , a Volvo V40 had its own hard drive to download music onto, it would store music in folders, by music type or artists name.
It was simple to use and held countless amount of music albums.
I think I’m going to miss that type of system once I get round to sorting out music on this car .
Are these new inventions better than say a 32GB built in media Hard Drive
The one in my Volvo and in the Peugeot RCZ, I had before the Volvo allowed for copying from USB / CD .
I could copy all my Abba and Elvis stuff across
Ah but can you remember the old 8 track cassettes though ?
If you could afford to put an 8 track player in your car in those days you was the cool dude who had made it to the top of the tree.
Tried this a couple of times (all sorts of file types like pls and m3u) but I never got it to work unfortunately… Eventually I just settled for a file-folder structure like @CaptainBlack suggested, worked well enough for me.
Anyway thanks all for your replies! Unfortunately I no longer own the DS anymore due to a career switch. But I might stick around here for a while