Some of you may already know I’ve been in constant debate with my dealership regarding the Keyless entry & Welcome light features on my DS4 E Tense.
Basically I find these features work randomly.
After months on debate the dealership they have now changed both 12v batteries, which I think was done just to shut me up.
Anyway what I’m trying to work out is how should these 2 features work ?
Do the Welcome Lights & Keyless entry work each and EVERY time you approach the car or do they actually shut down if the car has not been driven much.
This is what the dealership is saying happening to my car as I only use the car 4 days a week and only cover around 45 miles all week.
I find both these features operate randomly, theres no set pattern when they’ll work or not.
Oddly though, both features do work EVERY time if I unlock the car using the key fob, it’s when I approach the car without using the fob that i’m trying to work out !
My son, who has the same features on his car tends to agree with the dealership, the features are “hibernating” to save battery capacity because I’m not using the car enough ?
Any advice on how yours work would be great.
For what it’s worth, I’ve only had my 2022 DS4 Rivoli since the end of January and, initially, it did seem that the welcome lights were a bit hit and miss and didn’t always come on, although the keyless entry was entirely consistent.
However - with fingers tightly crossed! - I now think the lights do come on in welcome each time I approach the car (I don’t always notice one way or the other though). The keyless entry still works consistently (so far!) but my wife drove the car last night and when she parked up at the cinema with her friend she was insistent that the car didn’t remotely lock as they walked away from it and she had to return to restart and re-stop the engine before it worked (I think she just might not have stopped it properly first time around but she’s adamant that she did!).
Thanks for your input.
I’ve also had the car not locking when walking away ?
My dealership are still saying the issue isn’t the car its the low mileage that I do.
Apparently the car will shut down some features if it senses theres not enough mileage being done to charge the auxiliary batteries ?
That seems utterly ridiculous if that is indeed the case! I don’t do quite as much mileage myself now so will need to keep an eye on this - and other features reliant on the auxiliary batteries? - playing up. Bizarre.